
W is Tungsten. This model is made of Glass Beads. Green protons, white neutrons.

Figure 1: building blocks of W cubic hexapyramid
Figure 1a : Tungsten nucleus details
Figure 2: Silhouettes of baryons in nuclei

Figure 3: Tungsten Model shows small Loop 1 on right

Figure 4: On right is big Loop 2

Figures 3 and 4 show that the two proton loops are not the same size or shape. Since this is unlike Iron, Tungsten is non-ferrous.

p2 is pyramid with 2 layers
p6 is a pyramid with 6 layers
d54 is dilator with 2 layers for relativistic elements
cube has some red marks on some cube nucleons

Figure 2 shows a simplified 2D image of elements. The red dots are on the cube.
Most elements have a cube at its center, 3x3x3. Carbon has 2x2x2. Fo has 5x5x5 cube.
Fe and Ce have pyramids on the cube.
W has a "dilator" under a big "pyramid 6".
A dilator 54 has a 4x4 and 5x5 layer under a pyramid 6.
The big pyramid 6 is supported by the smaller dilators, successfully because
relativistic effects in nuclei allow that balance to be stable.

Notice that Uranium has two dilators, taking a 3x3x3 cube into 4, then 3, then 4,
then a 3 pyramid. That allows a crack for fission to start in.

Platinum Group based on W

Figure 5: Gold, Tungsten foundation with added nucleons over GAP

Figure 5 shows Mercury : 80 Hg 200. That element's nucleus is based on Tungsten with 6 protons added to armor the GAP. That is like on my Gadolinium page, where Cerium is the foundation and 6 protons fill up the leaking Gap and make Gd. Not seen is the other side of the Hg model, where the two protons were added for Os and Re.

June 23, 2017 - July 10, 2017
Figure 6 : Gold nucleus in the periodic table

October 12, 2017
Figure 7: heavier elements are based on W

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